The 5 Summer Shoe Basics

Minimising the number of shoes that I own is on my to do list…says no-one ever! Even though I find myself spending an extra 10 minutes getting ready looking for shoes! Somehow, they always seem to be buried under pairs I don’t wear.

So I got to thinking about this Summer and how I can avoid the shoe hunt! My answer… *drum roll* creating and sticking to a what I call a “Summer Minimal Shoe Wardrobe”. Does this involve getting rid of all my beautiful shoes?! Of course not!  Continue reading

3 wardrobe colour combos you must try for Summer

I’ve found that when we wear black we tend to stick to the same outfits and don’t really give the rest of our wardrobe a chance. If you checked me out on Instagram lately I’ve challenged everybody to wear bright colours instead.

So what do we do when black isn’t an option? Try wearing two bold shades together for a fresh Summer look. Ok, it may be tough and I’m the first to admit that black is my go-to, but the great feedback I’ve received from the challenge really makes it worth a try!

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How to look for clothes that fit well

Think about your favourite pair of jeans…why do you think they make you look so good? There’s only one reason and it’s fit!

A good fit makes us wear things until they discolour or tear, hell even after it reaches it’s sell by date we refuse to get rid of it. It just fits so well right?! What if I told you that everything in your wardrobe could make you look great?! It’s possible! All you need is a simple fit guide to tell you what to look for when you shop and I’ve put one together for you *wink*.

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How to choose prints to add to your wardrobe

I am a total sucker for print! Why? It adds personality to my wardrobe and can trick the eye making parts of my body appear larger or smaller! Many women I’ve spoken to like the idea of print, but don’t know how to choose ones that are right for them. Or, where they have managed to pluck up the courage to buy printed items, they never wear them.

Prints can be tricky, but there are standard prints that never date like animal print (oooh leopard is my favourite), polka dots (also another favourite) and stripes. If you’re not sure but want to try prints, these prints are fool-proof and a great place to start!

For those of you who want to experiment with other prints, my guide to prints is right here! Continue reading

3 ways to update your look for Spring

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One white tee four different occasions

When we think white tee, we think errands, gym, chill out clothes. I beg to differ. I’ve dressed up white tees to the office, girls night, date night and even a wedding. Especially if a white tee is all you have that’s clean in your wardrobe…

It’s happened to me a few times. What can I say?! Chilling on the couch with popcorn and a movie is more appealing than facing Mr washing machine *giggle*. Luckily I have quite a few white tees and I’ve learned how to style them for different occasions.

Here are some styling ideas to make the most of your white tee! Continue reading